In recent times, with the development of picture taking as a function in mobile phones, the ability for one to invade another’s private space has greatly increased. Unlike the mobile phones of the yesteryears, where the only addition which cured boredom was basic games such as “Snake”, most of the phones in the market nowadays are equipped with cameras for users to capture special moments without the inconvenience of having a proper camera with them. However, although this special function may serve us in the desired way most of the time, the development of it has also acted as the gate way to one’s personal hell.
Recently, a local polytechnic student called Tammy was the subject of newspapers’ headlines and online discussion forums because of a sex video which her boyfriend and her made. Unfortunately, someone stole her phone and uploaded its intimate contents onto the Internet making it one of the most downloaded videos. Newspapers were reporting it on a regular basis and although some members of online discussion boards were praising her and prompting her to make more of such videos, many were not pleased and criticized her for being an embarrassment to her family. So let us take a moment to think, did Tammy actually do any
wrong? I certainly do not think so. She certainly did not expect somebody to steal her phone, much less upload her personal videos online. The only mistake she probably did was not to leave her sexual videos at home. Because of this, she became the victim of someone who craved the controversy which would certainly damage another’s life, someone who had no respect for another’s privacy.
“Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to keep their lives and personal affairs out of public view or to control the flow of information about themselves”. (Privacy, 2007) In the case mentioned above, Tammy’s privacy was invaded. Not only was hers’ was invaded, but others such as those whose pictures were either taken from their personal networking sites ie:Friendster or those who were simply trying on clothes at local departmental stores. Recently, pictures of a friend of mine appeared in a website called “SG Girls” wearing just her beach wear. Coincidentally, the pictures were the same as those she had uploaded onto her Friendster account. Just like Tammy, someone had invaded her privacy simply by “grabbing” her photos and posting them up for others to see.
As noticed, social networking sites such as Friendster could contribute to the act of “invading” ones’ privacy. It is hard to update others on your life without the threat that someone might just use your pictures without any good intentions. So what have such sites taken to ensure that privacy is maintained? The answer can be found under account settings. Users are able to customize how much information of themselves they would like to share with others. They can choose to set their profile as private, whereby only with the acknowledgment of the individual , can others view their page. However, it is important to note that not only strangers can damage your life. According to some, it is rumored that the person who stole Tammy’s phone was indeed a friend who was jealous of her. So really, is there any way whereby which one can protect his/her privacy especially when it concerns personal images? Yes my advice is simply by not uploading such pictures on to the Internet. Remember, “the internet complicates our ability to negotiate the boundary between public and private, making it hard to recover a private self that has been voluntarily exposed.” (Rosen, 2004), so if you are willing to be featured on websites such as “SG Girls” then, be prepared to take the risk.
Although it is easy to speak against the invasion of privacy and how it constitutes to affecting one’s life, there are some good points which may come about from this. Ever since 9/11, government agencies around the world have been on constant alert for the threat of terrorism. According to an article by Bob Sullivan, Technology correspondent of MSNBC.com, the United States federal government allegedly compiles a database of telephone numbers dialed by Americans, and eavesdropping on U.S. callers dialing international calls without obtaining court orders. In this case, it is obvious that with the invasion of people’s privacy though not ethical, could sometimes prevent hundreds from being killed. Another example would be from an article found in the “Newpaper” where a camera caught a police officer punching a teen in the United Kingdom. Quote “the video footage shows Ms Comer then 19, wrestling with Constable Anthony Mulhall outside the club reported the Guardian newspaper, Soon after the first punch was thrown, she was pinned downed by two police officers and two nightclub staff and hit another five times”.
The invasion of one’s privacy may be unethical at times, however without surveillance, how can a police suspect be caught? How can events such as 9/11 be prevented? How can unfaithful partners be caught cheating? With the events which have shaped people in society to be untrusting of one another, the invasion of privacy may sometimes be necessary however it should never be used for the wrong reasons. Like everything else resulting from technology, there is no black or white just grey.
Recently, a local polytechnic student called Tammy was the subject of newspapers’ headlines and online discussion forums because of a sex video which her boyfriend and her made. Unfortunately, someone stole her phone and uploaded its intimate contents onto the Internet making it one of the most downloaded videos. Newspapers were reporting it on a regular basis and although some members of online discussion boards were praising her and prompting her to make more of such videos, many were not pleased and criticized her for being an embarrassment to her family. So let us take a moment to think, did Tammy actually do any

“Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to keep their lives and personal affairs out of public view or to control the flow of information about themselves”. (Privacy, 2007) In the case mentioned above, Tammy’s privacy was invaded. Not only was hers’ was invaded, but others such as those whose pictures were either taken from their personal networking sites ie:Friendster or those who were simply trying on clothes at local departmental stores. Recently, pictures of a friend of mine appeared in a website called “SG Girls” wearing just her beach wear. Coincidentally, the pictures were the same as those she had uploaded onto her Friendster account. Just like Tammy, someone had invaded her privacy simply by “grabbing” her photos and posting them up for others to see.
As noticed, social networking sites such as Friendster could contribute to the act of “invading” ones’ privacy. It is hard to update others on your life without the threat that someone might just use your pictures without any good intentions. So what have such sites taken to ensure that privacy is maintained? The answer can be found under account settings. Users are able to customize how much information of themselves they would like to share with others. They can choose to set their profile as private, whereby only with the acknowledgment of the individual , can others view their page. However, it is important to note that not only strangers can damage your life. According to some, it is rumored that the person who stole Tammy’s phone was indeed a friend who was jealous of her. So really, is there any way whereby which one can protect his/her privacy especially when it concerns personal images? Yes my advice is simply by not uploading such pictures on to the Internet. Remember, “the internet complicates our ability to negotiate the boundary between public and private, making it hard to recover a private self that has been voluntarily exposed.” (Rosen, 2004), so if you are willing to be featured on websites such as “SG Girls” then, be prepared to take the risk.
Although it is easy to speak against the invasion of privacy and how it constitutes to affecting one’s life, there are some good points which may come about from this. Ever since 9/11, government agencies around the world have been on constant alert for the threat of terrorism. According to an article by Bob Sullivan, Technology correspondent of MSNBC.com, the United States federal government allegedly compiles a database of telephone numbers dialed by Americans, and eavesdropping on U.S. callers dialing international calls without obtaining court orders. In this case, it is obvious that with the invasion of people’s privacy though not ethical, could sometimes prevent hundreds from being killed. Another example would be from an article found in the “Newpaper” where a camera caught a police officer punching a teen in the United Kingdom. Quote “the video footage shows Ms Comer then 19, wrestling with Constable Anthony Mulhall outside the club reported the Guardian newspaper, Soon after the first punch was thrown, she was pinned downed by two police officers and two nightclub staff and hit another five times”.
The invasion of one’s privacy may be unethical at times, however without surveillance, how can a police suspect be caught? How can events such as 9/11 be prevented? How can unfaithful partners be caught cheating? With the events which have shaped people in society to be untrusting of one another, the invasion of privacy may sometimes be necessary however it should never be used for the wrong reasons. Like everything else resulting from technology, there is no black or white just grey.
Point to Note: Rumor has it that Tammy was expelled from her school as a result of the controversy. A life ruined for nothing.
Special mentions: I apologize for inserting a picture of Tammy however, I feel we should see what others have done by inserting a text such as that.
1) Privacy. (2007). Privacy. In Wikipedia [Web]. Retrieved 03, 07 , 2007, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privacy
2) Rosen, J (2004, 7, 19). The Naked Crowd. Spiked Essays, Retrieved 03,07, 2007, from http://www.spiked-online.com/Printable/0000000CA5FF.htm
3) Sullivan, B (2006,10,17). Privacy Lost:Does anybody care?. MSNBC.com, Retrieved 03,07,2007, from http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15221095/print/1/displaymode/1098
4) Cop caught on tape punching teen in UK. (2007,03,09). the new paper,
1) Privacy. (2007). Privacy. In Wikipedia [Web]. Retrieved 03, 07 , 2007, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privacy
2) Rosen, J (2004, 7, 19). The Naked Crowd. Spiked Essays, Retrieved 03,07, 2007, from http://www.spiked-online.com/Printable/0000000CA5FF.htm
3) Sullivan, B (2006,10,17). Privacy Lost:Does anybody care?. MSNBC.com, Retrieved 03,07,2007, from http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15221095/print/1/displaymode/1098
4) Cop caught on tape punching teen in UK. (2007,03,09). the new paper,
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